Thank you for your support of our Tenth Season!
What a joy to look back on the major milestone of a tenth season at ECTC! Every show beginning with Godspell felt like a celebratory event in itself. We drank in Best Christmas Pageant Ever like a hot cup of cocoa with extra marshmallows and basked in the comical glow of Jason Hedden and Nathanael Fisher in The Odd Couple. Steel Magnolias stole our hearts, Last Five Years broke our hearts, and against the backdrop of the Austrian Alps, Sound of Music lifted our hearts. Launching all of that was an epic ten year celebration complete with hanging gardens, rose filled archways, and a walk down memory lane that reminded us of our extremely humble beginnings.
We were an itinerant company for the first four years. For every show and every class, we loaded our family car with set pieces, props, costumes, speakers, scripts, and whatever else could be crammed in, and we arrived early to set everything up. Our garage, our living room, and our kitchen table was always covered with things like feather boas, a golden lamp, a tinman’s costume, and maybe a basket of fake apples. Our neighbor next door was always kind to turn a blind eye when we painted sets in the carport and turned our grass blue until the next mowing. All of our shows were offered through the kindness of retail merchants who gave us the use of their empty stores and our educational classes were hosted by local schools in the afternoons. In 2016 Grand Boulevard partnered with us to utilize the space we are in now and we have been experiencing exponential growth ever since then.
A big part of that exponential growth is you. You have embraced us as a community, and your support is the reason why we are able to continue offering excellent professional theatre to the Emerald Coast. We are always striving to outdo ourselves, and with your help we know that is always possible. This web page is one big thank you from our hearts to yours. We want you to know how much it means to us that you have partnered with us and come alongside us to dream and create. We would not be here without you, and that is why we say “The heart of ECTC is you.”
Nathanael and Anna Fisher
Producing Artistic Director and Associate Artistic Director / Cofounders