Our mission is to enrich and entertain the Emerald Coast through professional and educational theatre. We inspire, educate and empower the community and artists of all ages to achieve the highest level of cultural excellence through collaboration, productions and educational programs that promote lifelong learning and provide excellent, professional entertainment in the Emerald Coast Community.
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Season 12

““The Emerald Coast Theatre Company is amazing. I have now had the pleasure of seeing several of their performances and have thoroughly enjoyed every one! Perfect for locals and tourists. Also, I have had the chance to participate in some behind the scenes work... and am amazed at the passion this group has. If you are considering enrolling your kids, participating or donating support, all I can say is: Don’t hesitate!””
““We are so fortunate to have this professional company in our area. They care for the nurturing and polish needed for a top notch presentation. Young and old alike are encouraged to share this treasure.””
““I can’t recommend ECTC enough! They have such passion for the theater and that passion has absolutely consumed my 9 year old daughter! We can’t wait for the summer camps and many other events to come!””
Emerald Coast Theatre Company Needs You!
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Educational Opportunities.
Youth Classes
Adult Classes
Summer Camps
Junior Thespian Troupe
Field Trips